I know no better medicine than to help each other feel seen, soothed, accepted, and made to feel safe. Every human being ultimately shares the same deep yearning to feel connected, to be seen, to be heard, and to be appreciated for who we truly are.

The longest study ever conducted by Harvard University found that the greatest factor in creating a fulfilling life was creating and sustaining high quality relationships. It’s called “Harvard Study of Adult Development ” if you want to look it up. Healthy relationships “high quality relationships” however are rare to find, and even trickier to sustain. By learning how our nervous system thrives, we can practice secure relating and create these kinds of relationships at will.

We live in an individualistic society, where competitive achievements trump egalitarian gains. Presently we’re also in the age of social distancing. We find disconnection, conflict, loneliness, isolation, fragmentation, judgement, social fractioning, and self-abasement everywhere we look.

There has literally been no time in recent memory where it’s been more important than to learn practical skills to improve our relationships with each other.

I want to support people in three domains of connection. With self, other, and group.

Including individuals connecting with self when they are alone.

In one-to-one relationships, including romantic relationships. Including how to do relationship when we’re hit with serious adversity.

I also want to see families and communities apply more skill when they go through complex conflict.

I offer ways to own and calm our own reactivity, see and support each other, and to communicate more cooperatively in general. 

Like in physical health, we need to study and apply better nutrition and exercise, there are “arm curl” practices that empower you to get and sustain the kind of high quality relationships the Harvard study points at.

If you’re looking for concrete tools to improve your communication and relationships right now, you’ve found the right place…

My daughter Bella Rose and I

My daughter Bella Rose and I